Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to common questions regarding insects and rodents

When people see a bug or rodent there are often a million questions that come to mind.

This category seeks to answer many of the questions people have related to pesky rodents and insectes that may be invading their home or workplace.

Wasps nest: what to do?

What to do if you have a wasp nest? Wasps are insects that are as useful as they are disturbing. Most of the time annoying, even downright threatening, wasps are nevertheless insects capable of rendering many services, especially to gardeners. The question is often what to do with [...]

By |2023-03-09T09:56:08-05:0024 April, 2021|Frequently Asked Questions|0 Comments

How to exterminate rats and mice?

Three preconceived ideas explained by an expert exterminator in Montreal. Watch our video Youtube . Autumn is coming with its share of not necessarily desirable invaders in our homes. Rats and mice feel the Quebec cold coming and seek to protect themselves from it by coming to settle comfortably with [...]

By |2022-07-12T11:05:53-04:0024 April, 2021|Frequently Asked Questions, Mouse|0 Comments

Is it necessary to do business with a Montreal exterminator for rodents (and other pests) in winter?

Avoid attracting rodents and other pests in the cozy comfort of your building. As we approach winter , some rodents and insects seek a warm place to survive. Their body temperature fluctuates with the environment. Cold temperatures outside affect their metabolism. They therefore expose themselves to certain death. As we [...]

By |2022-07-12T11:06:05-04:0024 April, 2021|Frequently Asked Questions, Mouse|0 Comments

How to recognize a larder beetle?

The Larder beetle (Dermestes lardarius, commonly known as the larder beetle or moisture bug) is a common insect in homes all over the world. In Quebec, it is given the affectionate nickname of "humidity bug". It particularly appreciates places inhabited by humans or animals. It finds, in fact, a quantity [...]

By |2022-07-12T11:06:58-04:0024 April, 2021|Frequently Asked Questions|0 Comments
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