Pavement Ant – What is a Pavement Ant?

Definition of a pavement ant

Pavement ants, also known as cobblestone ants, usually take up residence under sidewalks and at the edges of buildings. They are often confused with other ants that do not necessarily have the same characteristics or behaviour. Let’s review what a pavement ant is to better understand its specificities.

Pavement ants build their nests in concrete structures such as sidewalks or building foundations. When temperatures drop, they seek refuge inside these structures in search of warmth and food. They are likely to invade garages, basements, and nooks and crannies of cellars. Pavement ants prefer hard and concrete surfaces. They can carry germs and diseases, so it is essential to get rid of them quickly if they enter your home.

Distinctive Signs of the Pavement Ant

Pavement ants are usually dark brown in colour, but their pigmentation can vary from reddish-brown to black. They measure between two and four millimetres, except for the queen, which is twice as large. Their head and thorax have easily distinguishable grooves. Pavement ants live outdoors under rocks, near sidewalks, and even on lawns, in dirt and sand. They feed on honeydew and plant secretions. Occasionally, they invade homes to feed on fatty or sugary foods, settling in walls, under baseboards, and floors. They prefer humid places.

Behaviour and Habits of the Pavement Ant

Pavement ants form colonies that can number several thousand individuals. A queen can produce up to 20 eggs per day. When pavement ants are seen inside your home, it becomes urgent to detect the location of the nest to address the infestation.