Wasp – What is a wasp?

Definition of a wasp

It is usual to confuse wasps with bees. They do indeed have certain similarities, especially in terms of appearance, but are nevertheless very different. Let’s review what a wasp is in order to better understand its behaviour and habits, and thus recognize it more easily.

The wasp is a hymenopteran insect which, like the bee, belongs to the family of the apocrites. Its abdomen is yellow and striped black. This insect is often undesirable because it can be aggressive, especially when foraging. The wasp, unlike the bee, is carnivorous. It is therefore naturally a predator and it is very common to find it near our plates. When disturbed, the wasp does not hesitate to sting by injecting venom into its victim. Social wasps build their nests in walls or in the ground by chewing on wood fibers that mix with their saliva and form a kind of paper-like paste.

The distinctive signs of the wasp

Yellow and black in colour, the wasp has a shiny body that generally measures 19 mm, but can vary between 10 and 25 cm. The wasp is much thinner and slender than the bee. It is therefore slender and has only a very slight hairiness. Unlike the bee, it can sting several times because it retains its sting. The latter is smooth.

The wasp is insectivorous because it attacks the insects it chews to feed its larvae in the nest. She is drawn to meats and sweets. The workers, the males as well as the old queen do not resist the cold nights of November. Only the young queens resist it and survive during the winter.

The role of the wasp in nature

like the bee, the wasp is a very useful insect because it is a pollinator. In addition, it captures many other pests and turns out to be a formidable predator. Unfortunately, when living in colonies, wasps can be dangerous, building their nests directly in the roof or walls of houses. The workers will then defend their territory, and whoever has the misfortune to venture near the nest can be violently attacked. In any case, never try to destroy a wasp nest by yourself .

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