Seasonal impact on mouse infestations
Find out how changing seasons influence mouse and rat infestations, and learn how to identify warning signs to effectively protect your home all year round.
Find out how changing seasons influence mouse and rat infestations, and learn how to identify warning signs to effectively protect your home all year round.
How to be sure you are hiring a professional exterminator: tips and tricks "Do you know a good exterminator? I've got bedbugs in my house! A professional exterminator is expensive: I've got a cousin (nephew, brother-in-law, neighbor...) who'll fix it for you, so it doesn't take much. We often [...]
Tips and tricks to avoid attracting bed bugs You're wondering how to protect yourself from bed bugs. Preventive measures are the best way to avoid this unpleasant situation. By applying the tips and tricks below, you will discourage them from moving into your home. How to recognize a [...]
Tips for choosing a pest control service You're planning to call an exterminator for an infestation problem, but you don't know what to look for to make the best decision? Here are some tips to help you make a wise choice. Tips for choosing the right pest control [...]
Pesticide use - the use of pesticides outside buildings is regulated In the province of Quebec, the use and storage of pesticides outside of buildings is governed by specific regulations. Find out how to comply with the standards. If you have a rat or mouse problem in or around your [...]
How to Prepare Your Home for Professional Mice Extermination Are you tired of field mice scurrying around the house? Are they causing you and your family to lose sleep at night? There is no doubt having mice visitors annoys you and leaves you with a sense that you are [...]
Tips for managing a cockroach infestation? Ah, those pesky cockroaches can be infuriating. It's hard to find any redeeming value related to cockroaches in the home. To most people, the very sight of them elicits a range of emotions from fear to disgust and everything in between. If you are [...]
Tips for eradicating bed bugs Bed bugs are more than a nuisance. They can also create health hazards for humans and pets. The most challenging part of dealing with a bed bug problem is they are very difficult to see because of their size. On a good day, one [...]
How to keep rodents out of your home in winter? Mice are annoying little creatures. They offer little to no value as a species yet serve as pests to the human population. Given their propensity for spreading diseases and causing damage, rats are not something you want wandering around [...]
Article updated: July 12, 2022 Bed bugs can become a nightmare when they come into your home. We will answer the question by providing you with information moving from detection to processing. Description A bed bug has an oval shape, is very flat and is reddish-brown. They are parasites [...]