Chafer (or Cockchafer, White Grub) – What is a chafer?

Definition of a chafer (or white grub)?

The white grub, being the larval form of the chafer, measures approximately 38 mm. In winter, it is buried in the ground, while in early summer it is usually found on the surface where it invades lawns. The white grub feeds on grass, grass roots and vegetables. In the adult stage, it can be characterized by its bright dark red colour and its body measuring about 25 mm. The female lays her eggs in the ground in June, and the larvae appear two weeks later to gain strength during the few months of summer. At the start of the second summer, the white grub moves up closer to the soil surface to begin feeding. The damage caused at this stage will be more important at the crop level for the next two summers. The life cycle of the chafer is approximately three years. In the dark, it can be seen appearing around windows, flying harshly towards sources of light, especially during hot summer periods.