
About Michel Grenier

M. Michel Grenier est propriétaire de l'entreprise de gestion parasitaire Exterminateurs Associés Inc. Avant d'acheter l'entreprise, il était un employé de longue date. Il est reconnu par ses clients comme quelqu'un qui donne des conseils honnêtes et comme un opérateur qui dégage du professionnalisme.

How to treat bed bugs?

There are several precautions to treat bed bugs Treating bed bugs requires thoroughness and precaution. Exterminateurs Associés demystifies the steps to follow during such treatment. If you have unfortunately detected the presence of bedbugs in your home, it is imperative that you are able to react as quickly as [...]

By |2022-06-08T13:33:16-04:0024 April, 2021|Frequently Asked Questions|0 Comments

Getting rid of food moths: 5 tips

Guide to getting rid of food moths Some tips to get rid of food moths Food moths are small, gray to beige butterflies that are likely to invade your kitchen. Their larvae have the particularity of feeding on your stored food, for example flour, rice, spices, cereals, pasta [...]

By |2022-07-12T11:00:58-04:0024 April, 2021|Tips|0 Comments
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