Spotlight on the recent rat problem in Montreal, particularly on the Plateau Mont-Royal on the blog of Exterminateurs Associés by Michel Grenier.
For several months, many Montrealers have noticed an increase in the number of rats around them. These infrequent little friends infest the most popular and well-off neighborhoods, without distinction. They often cause great fright to the inhabitants who have the bad luck to meet them. Despite the lack of consideration of public authorities and owners, rats are becoming a real problem in Montreal.
What are the causes of this invasion?
Each city knows a more or less important number of small rodents which come to inhabit the pipes and the unhealthy places … Sometimes even the healthiest houses. Several boroughs in the city of Montreal, we devote a section on their website to explain the procedures to follow to carry out a rat control .
For example, Montreal has more than 4 million rats, or about two rats for one inhabitant! The problem probably stems from public works . Indeed, the numerous road repairs and other large-scale works are modifying the urban physiognomy. This pushes the rats out of their cue, ie the sewers. The street cleanliness problems are often involved as well. The more garbage lurks in the streets, the more rats will walk there to find something to eat. Rats are very clever animals and are wary of any change in their environment; the challenge is therefore to be smarter than them in order to finally get rid of it and limit any risk that may arise!
What are the consequences of a rat problem?
It is difficult to have an overview of the problem, with precise figures, since the extermination companies do not necessarily inform the town hall of their interventions. Also, some people try to fix the problem on their own. Beyond the fact that many people are disgusted by the presence of rats, or worse are frightened … The problem is mainly sanitary; our health is therefore an issue. Indeed, rats are disease carriers that are transmitted to humans. From diseases, hantavirus can be fatal. It is rare that they bite humans, but they like to enter houses and apartments, where there is food, and leave there excrement or saliva in which all kinds of diseases thrive.
How to fix your rat problem once and for all?
Montrealers have the right reflex by calling on a exterminator . This is the most effective and sustainable solution to get rid of the little bugs that infest our home. Thus, several Montreal extermination companies have noted a sharp increase in calls for rapid intervention. If tenants notice the presence of rats in their homes, the procedure to follow is to call the landlords to employ a rental company. rat extermination . Landlords thus have an obligation to act: indeed, if they decide to turn a deaf ear to the demands of their tenants, the City of Montreal can ask them, via an official notice, to hire a professional rat exterminator.
If the poisons used to eradicate rats are effective, they can also worsen your situation. Contrary to popular belief, no poison causes the animal to dry out when it dies. The liquids stop circulating and the flesh will rot which causes a very bad smell. To check for the presence of rats in the sewerage of the building, it is necessary to make a smoke test carried out by professional exterminators.
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