cockroach infestation

Tips to Help with Cockroach Extermination

Tips for managing a cockroach infestation?  Ah, those pesky cockroaches can be infuriating. It's hard to find any redeeming value related to cockroaches in the home. To most people, the very sight of them elicits a range of emotions from fear to disgust and everything in between. If you are [...]

By |2022-07-12T10:57:51-04:0023 February, 2022|Tips|0 Comments

Why does the German cockroach (cockroach) get on its back?

Lhe German cockroach (cockroach) adopts surprising behaviors that deserve our attention. These disgusting critters are usually very unpopular as roommates. Aside from longing to get rid of it for good, have you ever considered that a cockroach turns on its back ? Under what circumstances does this happen? Here's a [...]

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